Google Glass: Things You Need To know

Google Glass is a wearable, voice and motion-controlled Android gadget that compares with a pair of eyeglasses and shows information straight in the users visionary field. Google began trading a prototype of Google Glass to qualified Glass Explorers in the US on April 15, 2013, for a restricted period for $1,500, before it became accessible

Google Glass is a wearable, voice and motion-controlled Android gadget that compares with a pair of eyeglasses and shows information straight in the user’s visionary field.

What Happened to Google Glass:

Google began trading a prototype of Google Glass to qualified “Glass Explorers” in the US on April 15, 2013, for a restricted period for $1,500, before it became accessible to the world on May 15, 2014. It had a crucial 5-megapixel still/720p video camera which got a huge number of criticism and raised questions that its function could fail to observe existing privacy laws.

After encountering many questions for many years, the company declared the end of its first iteration of the augmented reality smart glasses: the Glass Explorer Edition. However, it does not mean the final goodbye.

At first, Google strived to rebrand the glasses as a device for experts such as surgeons or factory workers. However, suspicion continued and Google discontinued all work on the Glass project in 2015.

In 2017 work resumed with Glass Enterprise Edition. This relaunch of the project regulated all actions on making a product that would support workplaces like factories and warehouses. In 2019, a new version of Google Glass was disclosed, the Glass Enterprise Edition 2.

The main purpose of the Enterprise line is to boost productivity in the work and, with this new objective on the horizon, they are making it. The product has great admittance in businesses interested to adopt it.

It is kind of early to define this model as a bang among industries, especially because the company is unwilling to share the number of models traded, but at least it has indicated that it has been of tremendous support for employees to work better, smarter and faster in areas like logistics, manufacturing or medicine, among others. It permits professionals to access information with hands-free access while working. Among the known customers using these tools is airplane enterprise Boeing, and the startup in the medical world, called Augmedix.

Now, the glasses are being obtained to save time for the doctors, who can see more patients while attending phone calls or analyzing lab results.

Google Glass Price

The Glass Enterprise Edition 2 sells for $999, although, like its previous version, it is not being traded directly to consumers. It has got a new processor, an improved camera, a USB-C port for faster charging, and a difference of other updates.

Can You Still Buy A Google Glass?

Google Glass comes back, but you still can’t purchase a pair. Google is continuing to give Glass exclusively to businesses, a policy the company approved after the original Glass headset met obstruction over privacy concerns and was later discontinued for the public back in 2015.

The most recent edition of Google Glass, Glass Enterprise Edition 2, is formulated precisely for professional purposes, especially in atmospheres such as factories, warehouses, and hospitals. In these settings, the glasses give the help of saving time and money and improving safety.

Workers’ safety is increased by the hands-free feature and the capacity to stay connected to the network at all times.

The likely use of Google Glass by children with autism is another advantage of the device. Many studies are researching how Google Glass might be used to enhance social interactions for kids with autism.

Why Did Google Glass Fail?

Unfortunately, the Glass failed because the inventors excluded defining and validating the users and what difficulties it was solving for them. Instead, they determined the product would sell itself even without actual solutions or importance, that its hype would be sufficient to appeal to everyone.

  • There was no unity among the inventors about the core use cases of Google Glass. One group claimed that it could be worn all day as a popular device while another thought it should be worn for particular utilitarian functions. Either way, both assumed that Glass’ publicity would urge users to believe in the product and use it accordingly.
  • The designers failed to completely define what development they were providing for their target users. Once Google Glass was released, it did not provide meaningful benefits to its first users, a select group that paid to be early adopters. Google Glass did not provide enough advancement for users compared to older technologies making the product a useless supplementation to their daily lives.
  • The failure of Google Glass is due to the lack of clarity on why this product exists. The designers did not clearly define or validate: the users’ issues, what solutions Google Glass would give for its users, or how customers would use the glasses. This revolutionary product never succeeded because users could not comprehend why they wanted it in their lives.

Here these are the important things about google glass which you need to know about. We hope you found this article informative. If you have any query do not forget to write to us at [email protected]

