Man Physically Abused by Wife for 20 Years Tells Heartbreaking Story and Reveals Horrific Details

A British man has disclosed how his wife, with whom he has three children, constantly abused him for 20 years. 46-year-old Richard Spencer's story was first published by UK tabloid Mail UK and has since been shared over 5,000 times, probably because domestic abuse cases always involve a man meting out the abuse.

  • A man has stunned the internet with the story about the systematic physical and emotional abuse he suffered at the hands of his wife for 20 years
  • Richard Spencer said Sheree abused him so violently that sometimes he wore make-up to hide the bruises
  • His ordeal is shared in a story published by the UK tabloid Daily Mail on March 11, 2023, racking up over 5,000 shares and thousands of comments

A British man has disclosed how his wife, with whom he has three children, constantly abused him for 20 years.

46-year-old Richard Spencer's story was first published by UK tabloid Mail UK and has since been shared over 5,000 times, probably because domestic abuse cases always involve a man meting out the abuse.

"For the first couple of years, it was 95% nice times and 5%, not nice times...It evolved. By the time she was punching me so I was having to wear make-up to hide the bruises, the abuse had become the norm," Richard disclosed.

Richard said his wife, Sheree Spencer, got angry at him, she would smash his laptop on the floor.

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Sometimes after the pieces of his laptop lay on the floor, his wife would pick up the pieces and put them straight in washing up water in the sink.

"I probably got through five or six laptops, so I used to hide them."

Emotional abuse

Because of Sheree's blonde hair and beautiful looks, many of Richard's friends found it difficult to believe that his wife was capable of the abuses Richard spoke of at times.

But Sheree's physical abuse was nothing compared to the emotional abuse she meted out to her husband, according to the report.

Richard explained that his wife would also threaten him about taking custody of their three daughters.

According to Richard, Sheree even said she would make her story believable by smashing her face in the mirror and cut it, then call the police and say he'd done it so she wouldn't be able to see her.

"So I started gathering the recordings from the camera in the playroom and taking photographs of my injuries because I thought I needed to protect myself," he said.

According to the report, last week, Sheree was sentenced to four years in prison at the UK's Hull Crown Court after pleading guilty to charges, including assault.

Peeps have been praising the man for his bravey in the comments section of the news report.

@Happygardening said:

"Well done. Enjoy your life. I hope this awful story helps other people. Abusers repeat their behaviour. Avoid! Get out! They don't change."

@Rop also shared his ordeal:

"My wife launches into a rage every week, I'm only here for my daughter's i can't tell anyone or show anyone because it's shameful, I cry so either watching the most mundane programs on TV, I often ask myself why you see these famous people kill themselves, and I have the answer I think, they are not happy living in this world. If my daughter's were not here I'd end my life now."

WendyNCNavynurse also said:

"I only hope and pray to God above when she's released and asks for joint custody AND SHE WILL ASK....I pray the judge that day will release he deserves FULL custody and give her supervised visits."

Mzansi woman living with HIV because of abuse inspires with her courageous story: “I am a HIV warrior”

Briefly News reported that gender-based violence and HIV are two of the most pressing issues in Mzansi and one woman has been subject to both.

However, she made the decision to not let what her abuser did, or the disease that he gave her, stop her from living and took her power back.


