Curious Baby Stands on Moms Bum While She Cooks, Hilarious TikTok Video Clocks Over 1.2M Views

A curious baby is taking TikTok by storm after she stood on her mom's bum while she was cooking. In this funny video, a South African mom, Mpho Chaane, was busy preparing a meal in her kitchen. She had her baby safely strapped to her back to keep a watchful eye on her. As the

  • A curious baby is taking TikTok by storm after her mother shared a video of her standing on her bum while cooking
  • The post has taken the internet by storm, clocking more than 1.2 million views on the video-sharing platform
  • People throughout Mzansi could not help but laugh at the confidence the toddle displayed while being strapped onto her mother's back

A curious baby is taking TikTok by storm after she stood on her mom's bum while she was cooking.

Adorable baby trends on TikTok

In this funny video, a South African mom, Mpho Chaane, was busy preparing a meal in her kitchen. She had her baby safely strapped to her back to keep a watchful eye on her. As the mom cooked, her tiny toddler, full of curiosity, decided to elevate her view of the culinary action.

With impressive balance, the little one stood on his mom's bum, peering over her shoulder to get a closer look at the cooking magic. The video has achieved over 1.2 million views and thousands of shares thanks to its hilarious charm.

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Watch the video below:

Video busts out all the laughs

TikTok users around Mzansi couldn't help but be captivated by the toddler's bold antics and the mom capturing the cute moment. Many parents could relate to the blend of humour and surprise that accompanies daily chores and parenting.

People did not hold back in the comments:

@LesMas joked:

"Woza Spider-Man."

@Nare_wa_Mmagwe commented:

"She feels comfortable and balanced."

@sbahlesibiya said:

"She has lived this life before."

@user6553986 laughed:

"Haibo step ladder."

@Regnarson shared:

"Mama Africa."

@Whosthatpokemon said:

"For some reason I remember this feeling of standing on the shelf."

Baby girl's luscious hair takes the internet by storm

In a similar story, Briefly News reported about a little girl blessed with so much hair that it went viral on TikTok after her parents posted a video of her on the platform.

The girl's hair is so dark and long that many TikTok users could not help but fall in love with her.

The girl has become popular as people who saw the video described her type of beauty and hair as rare.

