Woman Gets Revenge on Bad Neighbours With Loud Music and Jumping on Floor, TikTok Video Gets 34mil V

One woman, @smoothjasmine, wanted all the smoke from her bad neighbours and paid them back for annoying her. She said she would not let them slide for mistreating her and decided to teach them a lesson.

  • A video of a petty woman exacting revenge on her annoying neighbours went viral on TikTok
  • The young lady said in the video that her neighbours living downstairs in her apartment building upset her
  • The funny video gathered 34 million views, and the lady is seen jumping around on her floors while playing loud music

One woman, @smoothjasmine, wanted all the smoke from her bad neighbours and paid them back for annoying her. She said she would not let them slide for mistreating her and decided to teach them a lesson.

TikTok user disturbs her neighbours' peace in viral video

The lady got her payback on her downstairs apartment neighbours and posted the petty video on TikTok. She pumped up the music and stomped on her floors to make their lives miserable and captioned the clip:

They have no idea what kind of war they just started.

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Watch TikTok video below:

TikTokkers react to woman's petty revenge on bad neighbours

More than 34 million people watched the young woman's revenge video. People advised her to take off her slippers and wear boots so that her message could be received loud and clear.

@_kuntakimchi said:

"The type of petty I aspire to be."

@katierogers7290 posted:

"I don't know what happened but I’m on your side."

@hannahgibson wrote:

"Girl ditch the slippers. Time to learn tap dancing."

@jeremiah_opiano stated:

"This seems more like a practice session for the actual thing with heels or tap shoes."

@zikabob716 shared:

"Their mistake was underestimating your athleticism. I would have been out of breath."

@the_mermaid22 commented:

"I can’t stop watching this, she’s so serious about it too."

@danceiz_m3 added:

"It’s the leg strength consistency for me!"

@madonnaslabia suggested:

"Girl put some boots on you are being too nice with the slippers."

"I want to go inside": Lady visits boyfriend's house, suspects he's keeping side chick, he blocks her

In another story, Briefly News reported that a video captured a boyfriend and his girlfriend causing a scene at a multi-tenement house.

In the short clip, the girlfriend insisted that she wanted to go into her lover's apartment, and the man tried hard to block her out. The lady kept asking why he was refusing her entry.

