Jim Mulyk Obituary Who Was Jim Mulyk? What Happened To Jim Mulyk?

Jim Mulyk made history from his birth on October 11, 1934 in Plainfield, Illinois to enshrine himself into community service history. Raised by parents who instilled him with hard work ethic and commitment from an early age. His lifes journey stands as testimony of these values he held dear and marked with significant events that

Jim Mulyk made history from his birth on October 11, 1934 in Plainfield, Illinois to enshrine himself into community service history. Raised by parents who instilled him with hard work ethic and commitment from an early age. His life’s journey stands as testimony of these values he held dear and marked with significant events that became motivation for many others.

Jim displayed strong allegiance to his nation at an early age by joining the US Army. This decision would go on to shape the core of who he became. His dedication to service was evident in every task he undertook, eventually earning him the esteemed rank of E-8/First Sergeant. But his commitment wasn’t restricted to the national stage; locally, Jim was a pillar, holding up the values and traditions that the Plainfield community cherished.

Jim and Evelyn: A Bond Beyond Words

1958 was a significant year for Jim. Not just because of the strides he was making in his military career, but also on the personal front. Evelyn Theresa Ashelin entered his life, becoming his life partner when they got married at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Winona, Minnesota. Their union signified more than simply two souls coming together; rather, it marked an joining together of shared dreams and aspirations.

Jim was marked during this phase by life-defining moments which both defined him as an individual, as well as family man. Together with Evelyn he set an exemplary path that served as an example to other couples living in Plainfield.

A Diverse Career with Dart Transit

Professionally, Jim carved a niche for himself with Dart Transit. Working as an Independent Contractor, he showcased his multifaceted personality, blending in roles and responsibilities with an ease that made him the go-to person in the organization. His tenure at Dart Transit wasn’t just a job; it was a reflection of his ethos. It was here that the community truly saw the mettle of the man, witnessing his dedication and unparalleled work ethic.

An Unsettled End: Accident or Foul Play?

September 22, 2016, is a date etched in the memories of Plainfield residents. Jim Mulyk’s untimely demise on this day sent shockwaves across the community. What made his death even more shocking was its circumstances of unknown origins.

Was Jim’s death an unfortunate coincidence or something more sinister? Questions surrounding its cause arose as some members speculated on its root causes; others however speculated there could be deeper, darker issues at play in order to account for Jim’s disappearance from view.

While the community awaits clarity, what’s unequivocal is the void Jim’s departure has left.

The Mulyk Family’s Grief

The Mulyks, a close-knit family, find themselves navigating the treacherous waters of loss and grief. Jim was their patriarch, a figure of stability and strength. His absence has left an irreplaceable void, and the echoes of his memories reverberate in the hallowed halls of their family home.

Yet, in this time of profound sorrow, the Mulyks find solace in the life Jim led. His legacy, rich with tales of dedication, service, and unwavering love, serves as a beacon, guiding them through these dark times.

In conclusion, Jim Mulyk’s life story is not just about the milestones he achieved but the lives he touched. Plainfield, Illinois, and beyond will remember him not just for his deeds but for the man he was – a beacon of dedication, service, and enduring love.


1. Who was Jim Mulyk?
Jim Mulyk was a dedicated Plainfield, Illinois resident, known for his military service and work with Dart Transit.

2. When was Jim Mulyk born?
Jim Mulyk was born on October 11, 1934, and was raised in the heart of Plainfield, Illinois.

3. What rank did Jim Mulyk achieve in the military?
Jim achieved the esteemed rank of E-8/First Sergeant in the United States Army National Guard.

4. Who did Jim Mulyk marry?
In 1958, Jim Mulyk married Evelyn Theresa Ashelin, marking a significant turn in his personal life.

5. How did Jim Mulyk pass away?
Jim Mulyk passed away on September 22, 2016, under circumstances that raised questions within the Plainfield community.

